There is so much hooha these days about spirituality and "being spiritual". For example, you should be all love and light and zen, you should act a certain way and do certain practices that are deemed spiritual, eat certain foods, dress in a specific way etc.. the list goes on. But that's just a box full of labels that can take you further away from whom you really are, a spark of consciousness having a temporary human experience.
Now, I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with any of those things that I've already mentioned, but if you are acting from passion and your highest excitement doing those things and it feels right to you, then that's great and perfect. But if it's not, then why do it? Is it for acceptance, connection, or some other reason? How is it serving you? I've been there, done that, and got the T-shirt! I've asked myself all of the same questions and i came to a surprising conclusion...... We are unique individuals with a unique expression and unique talents and skills. There is no one else on this whole planet that is the same as you and can do what you can do, in the way you do it!
Do you realise how valuable you are? And how important you are in the grand scheme of things. Just contemplate that for a moment. Also, remember, you are having a human experience, which means you are going to feel the whole range of emotions from anger, shame, and guilt to love, joy and bliss, and everything in between. There is no escaping any of them, it's about allowing those emotions to flow through you and learning to express them in the best way, so you are not hurting yourself or anyone else. Emotions aren't bad or good, they are "energy in motion" and will only be temporary if you allow yourself to feel and release them.
I also realised what "being spiritual" really means to me. It's not about doing certain things at certain times, it's about being your true authentic self unapologetically. It's about being connected to yourself and seeing everything around you as a unique expression of consciousness without judgement. Sometimes you're not going to like what is being reflected back to you, and that is ok. It's just a gentle reminder that there is a part of you that you are not fully embracing and loving and that's a really good time for some self-reflection. We all have past traumas, belief patterns, and experiences that prevent us from allowing that unique individualised expression of self. The more you heal, feel, and release what no longer serves you, the closer you get to your magnificent self! You are not responsible for anyone other than yourself and owning that is where your true power and freedom lies. No one has authority over you, unless you agree to it, consciously or unconsciously, it is your choice. It's a synchronistic dance!
"This is my expression, take it or leave it"
It's up to you.
Much love,
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